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Image by Ben White

So far DF provides over 10,000 stationeries a year for children in less deprived areas Development: hundreds of youths are being mentored, counselled and coached during the year


Darksta Foundation believes that education is a child's greatest wealth.Darksta Foundation makes learning possible for students of all ages, from kindergarten to graduate school. We also provide other educational services and opportunities that help make schools more effective and more accessible to students of different backgrounds.It is through education that we can best help to alleviate poverty in Africa.


Each year of education increases a persons life long earnings. The children of an educated parent are more likely to be healthy and more likely to become educated themselves.Our other focus on education is to provide less privilege kids who has a good Grade Point Average (GPA) with a scholarship. Gifted students will be given the opportunity to attend a focused after- school classes.
While secondary school education is important, the high cost associated with it, gives poor parents who have gifted child a legitimate excuse not to send their children to school.

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DARKSTA: The name darksta derived from the word (DARK STAR). The meaning behind it also comes from the diamond in the dirt theory where until a diamond is mined or found in the dirt and cleaned up, one will not see the brightness, the shine and the value it possesses.


So at Darksta Foundation, our job is to find the star who is stuck in the dark and bring them to light so they can also have the opportunity to shine or glisten. One may ask how we do this. We believe in giving so we offer Mentoring, counselling, education, coaching (physical and mental) in the UK and other parts of the world. So Darksta Foundation would like to urge and invite you to come onboard so we can bring the best and shine the light on our stars in the dark.

Image by Adrianna Van Groningen
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Darksta foundation works in conjunction with LIFT MENTORING to help mentor and counsel the youths in the UK  and travels to rural areas and villages to educate them about life skills and health care in other parts of the world. We also work with a great organisation like BOSS TALENT soccer acadamey to coach the youths in becoming great professionals not only in soccer but in everyday life as well. WOOD WORLD MISSIONS is also one of the organisations we work with. Thank you for your support of Darksta foundation. ( Believe In Giving)

Image by Anes Sabitovic
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Darksta foundation works in conjunction with LIFT MENTORING to help mentor and counsel the youths in the UK  and travels to rural areas and villages to educate them about life skills and health care in other parts of the world. We also work with a great organisation like BOSS TALENT soccer academy to coach the youths in becoming great professionals not only in soccer but in everyday life as well. WOOD WORLD MISSIONS is also one of the organisations we work with. Thank you for your support of Darksta foundation. ( Believe In Giving) 


( The great shows)

To thrive in school, young people everywhere need extra support that many of the students in our program cannot find at home. Mentors, our great shows help to fill this gap.We recruit and train a diverse group of professional volunteers who provide the unmet needs of our students. Each student is matched with a mentor, who works with his/her family to increase the connectedness that empowers them to make long-term and positive commitment to their future. Mentors prove skills necessary to navigate the challenges of higher education readiness.

Student Internships

and Volunteerism

As a requirement, all Darksta Foundation sponsored schools and gifted students on scholarships must participate in constructive internships during their holidays. Students will be given the opportunity which allows them to gain real work experience and ethics.​



In October, 2011, UNITED NATIONS, - argued that an educated population is a country's greatest wealth, the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) says there is no escape from poverty without a vast expansion of secondary education worldwide, and Africa is no exception. 

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